It is a Story of fox and jackal training in ancient Japan. It is a story of a training era in which fox and jackal recite sutras and mantras and overcome all trials to become human beings. Of course, it’s an original fairy tale! Before we start talking about fox and jackal, Let’s start […]
Main Content
It is a Story of fox and jackal training in ancient Japan. It is a story of a training era in which fox and jackal recite sutras and mantras and overcome all trials to become human beings. Of course, it's an original fairy tale!Before we start talking about fox and jackal, Let's start with the explanation to make Japan more familiar and familiar.
Japan has two main religions, Shinto and Buddhism. Shinto is gods who created Japan, It is a shrine that worships Shinto deities. Buddhism is a Buddha that was introduced about 500years after the Shinto god made Japan. Many Buddhas are enshrined in Japanese temples. That is why there are many shrines and temples in Japan. In the story of fox and jackal, Kannon-bodhisattva and Amida-nyorai appear as two masters. Nyorai ranks highest in Buddhism, Bodhisattva is trained to become Nyorai. From this, Amida-nyorai is the boss of Kannon-bodhisattva.

Story of fox and jackal
One day, while Kannon-bodhisattva was walking along a mountain path, he found a white fox puppy separated from his parents about to be attacked by a big Jackal. Kannon went to the jackal with a wooden stick to protect the poor fox cub. A few days later, when Kannon-bodhisattva was walking along the mountain path again, […]

Relationship between fox and INARI
Contents1 Food related to INARI2 About bills and amulets at Japanese shrines and temples3 About Spirit Mark (Reifu)4 About Nature Worship5 About “Goshinboku”6 About “Komainu”7 About Obon in Japan8 Calm down COVID-19!9 Codename “G” !?10 Mofu-mofu or not Mofu-mofu There are many shrines in Japan that worship foxes as god’s angels. A typical example is […]